Thursday 26 January 2012


As i finish my pitch i recieved numerous questions regarding my animoto mood board. From these questions i gained further knowledge for how to improove my magazine. from the feedback i have decided how to layout my magazine and have also learnt that i needed to decide on a colour pallet that will reflect my genre. Also after positive feedback from my title of the magazine i have now confirmed that 'kicks' will be the name of it. I may need to think about the type of shot i use for my front cover and which fonts i wish to use within my magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Your pitch was very insightful as well as intresting, it demonstarted your knoweldge clearly on what your magazine was amout, and exactly who it was targeted at, things you could improve is your colour scheme by using colours that are matching to your genre such as black, gold,silvers. Loud colours are aslo in tone with your hip hop genre.
